There is a lot of stuff said about this type of game play that turns people away from it. First, you have to spend lots of money to get the cards you want to play with. Second, there is always a new set coming down the pike in a few months, so you'll never "catch up". Third, they raise the power of the cards as time goes on so that if you have an old set of cards, chances are you can not compete. True or not, the thought of these turns people away. One of those people is me. The last year I played there was 3 mini-releases, and 2 major releases. That is a rare occurrence, but Coldsnap counted as legal, so it was true.
Someone thought of what we now call Living Card Games a while ago. Parts of it crept into other games in the past 10 years, but no one took it and ran with it like Fantasy Flight does now. The first that got close was Munchkin. There are many editions of Munchkin, and technically they all work together. I remember the Good Fairy pack was put out in a "booster pack" wrapper, as if it was Magic:TG, but every pack had the same cards.

Yeah, you can still spend money, especially if you come into a game late, but no where near the amount Magic:TG requires. I had a $50 a week habit for a few months the last time I played, and I was nowhere near a huge collection. In most Living Card Games you can buy the last 2 years worth of cards and have change left over for lunch at the mall.
My favorite is Lord of the Rings by Fantasy Flight. Its actually a cooperative Living Card Game, and each booster and expansion is a new series of quests for you to complete.
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